Sunday, 10 May 2009

Boo's Outing...

Boo had a lovely day trip today- went to the coast (Seven Sisters Country Park) with a dear friend. The sun was scorching- so dipping my toes in the sea was bliss. Seeing the horizon and breathing the fresh sea and sun soaked air was delightful- Boo needed to as work has been mighty stressful and heavy of late.
Boo was very naughty and had a cream tea- for some of you who may not know; a cream tea is something that us English like to indulge in when on a country outing. It consists of a scone, strawberry jam, lashings of clotted cream and a pot of English tea- yum!


Rachel Green said...

What fabulous pictures!

C said...

wow, whatta sight for sore eyes... you are a lucky chickie... to be able to access country like that!

happy mudders day...
how's the lil pup doin?
i need more pictures.


Anonymous said...

A perfect day for an outing like that too!

Jen said...

The scenery looks amazing! I want to go there!!! Glad you had a great day.

Mama Dawg said...

Those photos are gorgeous!

Jess said...

I LOVED those pictures! I need to travel to sho!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Funny looking tree lol :-D

Squirty said...

Those pictures are awesome...I wanna go!

Weren't those rocks a little uncomfortable?

Blu said...

Hi you have some great pictures here on your blog. Best wishes Blu

Marsy {Giddy Fingers} said...

I love the photo of the sideways tree, it reminds me of a comic I drew:

Really great pictures Butch Boo :)
